CultureWorks rang in the New Year with meaningful community touchpoints and unique creative opportunities.

January typically feels like a fresh start.  There was no exception to that sentiment this year when January 1 ushered in a new year after the rollercoaster of 2020.  However, we quickly realized that the same realities continue to hit us: racial injustice, political unrest, mental illness, (not to mention the general fatigue of all of these things in tandem with our daily lives in the wake of a global pandemic).  

I don’t know about you, but in some ways I am more tired now than I was in 2020.  Yet in these cloudy winter days and amidst so many difficult realities, art continues to serve as a beacon of light that cuts through the fog and invites connection. In the month of January CultureWorks experienced that goodness in a few key ways:

Lighthouse Treatment Program for Girls

For six weeks over the course of December & January, we virtually offered our Creative Introspection class to Lighthouse, a residential program for girls in the Ottawa County Juvenile Court. Lighthouse offers hope for discovering a deliberate, viable, charted course for the girls’ futures, with a focus on helping the young women find direction and purpose. The Creative Introspection curriculum was developed to use art as a platform for dialoguing about how to engage meaningfully in a messy world by beginning with introspection and self-understanding across a variety of mediums.  Throughout this time, eight brave young women engaged a plethora of artists including Rupi Kahr, Brian Andreas, Morgan Harper Nichols, Henri Matisse, Kehinde Wiley, Frida Kahlo, and Martin O’Neill.  

Student Advisory Council

In early January, our Student Advisors met for a late Secret Santa gift exchange and touch base in the new year.  Together we processed the insurrection at the Capitol and held the painful reality that resulted from our previous president’s inflammatory language by discussing the power of words.  One student of color shared that now when she sees Trump signs, she feels like it’s a subliminal sign that people in her own hometown don’t want her around.  Others shared their grief, and we considered ways for our organization to serve as allies to those whose voices are not as readily heard or rewarded.  The following week, we got together again to enjoy free-create time together.  We are learning that raising up leaders in a tumultuous age entails both leaning into hard discussions as well as exemplifying practices for healthy distraction and self care.  

Printmaking Workshops

Though our Spring programming typically begins the third week of January, we halted our start date for the second week of February this year in order to ensure we could run in-person.  To fill that time in January we offered options for Covid-safe Pod Workshops.  In late January we explored the work of Inuit artist Kenojuak Ashevak with a handful of young women from Escape Ministries, and noticed ways in which the stark Northern landscape might have influenced the stunning colors & forms in her work. We used her playful animal forms as inspiration for our own screen printed designs, including a crazy seal/turtle/squirrel hybrid.

We also enjoyed a wonderful Pochoir Printing workshop with a few of our CW Board Members.  We used the pochoir technique to recreate our own versions of graphic designs by board member and artist, Candine Arnwine.  Full of sweetness, charm, and whimsy, her designs provided bright hues and playful forms that warmed our spirits in a season where the weather is cold and the days feel short.  The time enjoying one another and catching up was a welcome delight as well.  

Pop-up Art Sale

CultureWorks also had its first ever pop-up art sale featuring mono prints, botanical prints, paintings and photography by CultureWorks students and staff.  We also had a card-making station with beautiful hand-marbled papers for visitors to create with.  100% of the proceeds supported affordable and accessible after school programs for teens, and we are grateful for everyone who stopped by to support us.  Keep your eyes peeled for more pop-ups and opportunities to purchase one-of-a-kind pieces that support our mission.  

That’s a wrap!

As January came to a close, we embarked this week on our journey into February, We are thankful to be commencing our full programming load (4 classes & Student Advisory Council) this Spring, beginning on February 8.  As always, thanks for following along and loving CultureWorks in all its seasons and forms.