Dear Families and Friends of CultureWorks,

Due to the current and ongoing health concerns in our area and beyond, we will be following Governor Whitmer’s directives and postponing our upcoming CultureWorks classes thru April 13.

Although we are heartbroken and will miss seeing you all over the next few weeks, we recognize that:

  • 75% of our students this semester rely on us to provide transportation to class from school
  • Some of our students and staff live with or care for vulnerable loved-ones
  • Our current gatherings all exceed the 10 person maximum recommendation

I have been so encouraged over the past 24 hours by acts of generosity and creativity that I’ve seen in our community, and I hope and pray that each of you will find the resources and wisdom you need to weather this time of uncertainty and disruption.

Field Trip: Real to Reel Film Festival

The Saugatuck Center for the Arts has cancelled the Real to Reel Film Festival, and is currently trying to reschedule events in May.  We will work with them on rescheduling our field trip for that time, and will be in touch with those already registered

Spring Break

Because the updated “shelter in place” guidelines continue through April 13, we are unable to offer a Spring Break class this year.  We’ll miss you all terribly, and hope you will keep connected with us through social media.  Check out our Instagram daily challenges, and keep creating!

Student Show

We’re sad that we aren’t able to gather for a Student Show this spring, but we’re hoping to display student artwork in the Fall, along with student work from this Summer.  For now, check out our Spring Gallery of student work HERE.

Erin Drews and I are thinking of some ways we can stay creatively engaged with students over the next few weeks, so stay tuned through Instagram and FaceBook! We’ll also be getting a jump start on our summer program planning, so we are super excited about that. For now, get yourselves outside, flex your creative superpowers and make or draw or sing something new, and eat your veggies – I have bok choy already growing in my garden, that I’ll happily share. We’ll see you soon, on the other side of COVID-19.

Emily Christensen, Executive Director

Resources from Lakeshore Nonprofit Alliance

All individuals should continue to take the following basic personal-hygiene measures to prevent the spread of the virus:

  • wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands
  • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
  • avoid handshakes
  • avoid contact with sick people who are sick
  • stay home when you are sick