Dear Families and Friends of CultureWorks,

In an effort to reduce the potential impact of a COVID-19 outbreak within our organization, CultureWorks has developed this COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan, which is based on the recommendations and guidelines developed by OSHA in their Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19. Full OSHA guidance can be referenced here.

We’re also monitoring state guidelines and local recommendations which might allow for classes outdoors to be unmasked, if distanced.  We will let you know as details arise.

As a workplace and as a staff, CultureWorks Transformative Art & Design Academy will:

  1. Actively encourage sick or symptomatic employees to stay home.
  2. Promote frequent and thorough handwashing. If soap and running water are not immediately available, we’ll provide alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60% alcohol.
  3. Practice respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes, and wear masks when at work with others.
  4. Discourage workers from using other workers’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment, when possible.
  5. Notify parents & guardians if we find that anyone who has come in contact with student(s) has been tested and is confirmed to have COVID-19.

We ask that as participants of our programming that you agree to abide by these responsibilities as expectations to keep both our staff and other participants safe:

  1. Students will wash hands upon arrival to class – bins of soapy water and clean water will be provided if no sink is available.
  2. Students and staff will wear a mask to reduce possible exposure to or transmission of respiratory illness.  This may be a cloth mask, as long as it adequately covers the nose and mouth.
  3. All food and drink preparations will be made by a designated individual wearing gloves and a mask, and food/drinks will be pre-poured and placed on individual plates for distribution.
  4. Anything touched during the course of a class/event/gathering (including supplies, tools, table surfaces, and chairs) will be wiped down with a disinfecting agent immediately after dismissal.
  5. All work will be done at least 6 feet apart.
  6. If someone in your household has symptoms or it has been confirmed as a COVID-19 carrier we ask that you do not come to class to limit exposure. If possible we ask that you notify us so that we can be aware of any exposure that could have occurred.


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