Indigenous Clay Workshop

with Jason Wesaw

In Partnership with The Outdoor Discovery Center and the NEA Big Read Lakeshore

Ages 18+
Thursday, October 21 & Thursday November 4
10:00-3:00 at the Outdoor Discovery Center
“With a workshop like this, I want people to understand the beauty and power in the process, not just the objects they create.  Harvesting and gathering in a respectful way from the land; experimenting and building work without the fear of failure; putting their best thoughts and efforts into the work; recognizing the ingenuity, intellect, and value in some of these traditional technologies.” – Jason Wesaw

Join local Potawatomi ceramicist, Jason Wesaw, for a two-day ceramics workshop that engages the traditional approach to pottery that was once used by indigenous people.  All clay will be locally harvested and processed, and you will have the opportunity to work alongside Jason in handbuilding and pit-firing in order to take home your own creation inspired by his work.