Mountainfilm on Tour: Free streaming is now available for students!

Mountainfilm On Tour uses the power of film, art and ideas to inspire audiences to create a better world.

Thanks to the Saugatuck Center for the Arts, you can now experience the power of these films from the comfort of your own home!

In lieu of our field trip to the SCA’s 2020 Real to Reel Festival, we’re offering post-screening discussion groups for middle school and high school students who take advantage of free screenings of student films over the next  week.

Use the passwords below to access playlists for the films found on the Mountainfilm website, which are available for streaming until March 14. Register below for a middle school or high school meetup, & you’ll also receive a link for the Zoom discussion on Monday, May 18, led by Erin Drews. Grab some popcorn, enjoy the films, and we hope to hear your insights on the 18th!


K-2 Playlist password: MFSK2

Grades 3-6 password: MFS36

Middle School password: MFSMS

High School password: MFSHS

Register here for:
Mountainfilm On Tour // High School Meetup

Mountainfilm On Tour // Middle School Meetup

“The magic of Mountainfilm is that it touches people, inspires change and provides hope. Now more than ever, we all need to do our part to create a better world.”
– Director of Mountainfilm